OAuth Risk Management

Protect your cloud data from risky third-party integrations.

Nudge Security discovers and classifies your app-to-app integrations, such as API keys, service accounts, or OAuth tokens, and automatically revokes unused and risky access, so you can protect third-party access to your sensitive data.

Trusted by security teams everywhere
4.7/5 on Gartner
5/5 on G2

Monitor Third-Party Access

Know which third-party apps have access to your data—and which ones shouldn’t.

Discover SaaS-to-SaaS integrations.
Nudge Security discovers OAuth connections across your entire SaaS estate and alerts you as new grants are given, so you can proactively monitor and manage third-party data access.
Classify OAuth 2.0 grant types.
Quickly gain context about OAuth connections, including OAuth 2.0 grant types, who authorized the grant, and what permissions were given to various data types.
Surface risky OAuth permissions.
With built-in OAuth risk scoring, Nudge Security identifies risky and overly permissive OAuth grants and scopes, helping you to prioritize your OAuth security efforts.
Centralize OAuth security visibility.
Deliver information on OAuth grants and high-risk scopes to other tools in your security stack by seamlessly connecting them to Nudge Security with our API.
Monitor OAuth access

"Nudge Security is probably the best solution on the market I've seen for catching all the unknowns."

Marcus Södervall

Head of Security, Stravito

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Manage OAuth risks

Manage App Integration Risks

Streamline third-party approvals and removals.

Understand OAuth risk.
Nudge Security flags OAuth risk insights such as unverified publishers, evidence of potential phishing, deceptive grants, and apps that have been used by malicious actors in the past.
Educate your workforce on OAuth risks.
OAuth makes it fast and easy for any employee to grant third-party access to your sensitive cloud data. With Nudge Security, you can engage your workforce in safe, compliant OAuth use by sending automated nudges that make it as fast and easy to remove unused or non-compliant OAuth grants.
Revoke OAuth access during offboarding.
OAuth grants are often overlooked during employee offboarding, but not with Nudge Security. Our step-by-step employee offboarding playbook makes it easy to find and revoke OAuth grants in with a single click of a button.

“Attack surfaces are growing more complex as organizations adopt new cloud technologies across a globally distributed workforce. Nudge Security helps provide organizations with increased visibility into today's modern attack surface, and enlists all employees to help protect it.”

Mario Duarte
Vice President of Security, Snowflake

The Power of Security Nudges

Work with employees, not against them.

  • Deliver helpful security cues based on proven behavioral science.
  • Educate employees about the importance of data security.
  • Gather real-time intel on what tools employees are using and why.

83% compliance rate with security nudges

32% compliance rate with traditional firewalls

Read our report