Curb SaaS sprawl and wasted SaaS spend.

Only Nudge Security shows you the true cost of SaaS sprawl and engages your workforce in proactive SaaS spend management.

Trusted by security teams everywhere
4.7/5 on Gartner
5/5 on G2
SaaS governance

SaaS Spend Discovery

Know the true cost of SaaS sprawl.

Get a full SaaS inventory on Day One.

Nudge Security discovers all cloud and SaaS accounts ever introduced by any employee, anywhere, within minutes of starting a free trial—including free, paid, managed, and unmanaged accounts.

Uncover shadow spend.

Effortlessly discover SaaS spend without relying on financial reporting. Automatically find the right billing contact for each paid app and associate the spend to a cost center.

Track app adoption and virality.

Visualize app adoption trends over time and find out when an app is “going viral” in popularity.

Forecast SaaS spend.

Compare historical, budgeted, and projected SaaS spend to create more accurate budgets that account for growing SaaS adoption. Keep tabs on each app’s average cost per user, renewal date, and billing frequency.

See what you've been missing.

Start your free trial

SaaS Spend Management

Surface quick wins to cut SaaS sprawl.

Spot common sources of wasted spend.

Highlight savings opportunities such as unapproved paid accounts, rogue AWS spend, and paid apps with single users that may have slipped under the radar in credit card statements.

Consolidate redundant apps.

Discover and weed out similar apps that may be redundant and consolidate siloed app instances. Easily assess overlapping usage to make a business case for consolidating costs.

Optimize upcoming renewals.

Prevent billing surprises, proactively remove inactive accounts, and negotiate better contract terms with visibility of upcoming renewals and billing contacts.

Find and remove unused accounts.

Reclaim wasted licenses by identifying inactive and abandoned accounts. Plus, prioritize license cleanup based on billing frequency and total costs.
SaaS spend management

See what you've been missing.

Start your free trial
SaaS governance

SaaS Governance

Engage your workforce to rein in SaaS sprawl.

Stop SaaS sprawl in its tracks.

Get alerted as new SaaS apps are introduced and automatically redirect users to approved alternatives, or ask for context on why a new app is needed in order to create a "justification of need" record.

Create a directory of approved SaaS apps.

Grant your workforce visibility of the SaaS apps already in use and approved. Make it simple for them to find and request access to the tools they need.

Orchestrate SaaS cleanup.

Step-by-step playbooks guide you in orchestrating and automating SaaS administration workflows to review SaaS access, clean up unused accounts, and reclaim all licenses during employee offboarding.

Track your SaaS governance progress.

See trends in SaaS adoption, accounts assigned to inactive users, apps with SSO enabled, and more to proactively manage sprawl and demonstrate improvement.

“Nudge Security’s trial was very easy to set up. The first value right out of the box was something I knew was going to happen: We had 16 people with licenses for two different applications that offer the same capabilities. We were paying double for something we shouldn’t have been using in the first place.”

Chris Castaldo
CISO, Crossbeam

The Power of Security Nudges

Work with employees, not against them.

  • Deliver helpful security cues based on proven behavioral science.
  • Educate employees about the importance of data security.
  • Gather real-time intel on what tools employees are using and why.

83% compliance rate with security nudges

32% compliance rate with traditional firewalls

Read our report