User Access Management Solution

Complete user access reviews  in no time.

Discover every SaaS account ever created by anyone in your org and automate user access reviews and user lifecycle management tasks like onboarding, access requests, offboarding, and more.

Trusted by security teams everywhere
4.7/5 on Gartner
5/5 on G2

User Access Reviews

Automate user access reviews and complete IT audits faster.

Keep your SaaS inventory up to date.
Start user access reviews with an accurate inventory rather than manually updating spreadsheets. Nudge Security discovers all SaaS accounts ever created by anyone in the organization, and continuously updates your inventory.
Classify SaaS assets.
Nudge Security categorizes every cloud and SaaS app as it’s introduced, so you can easily search and filter for assets commonly in scope of compliance, such as infrastructure or developer tools, and add them to compliance groupings.
Speed up user access reviews.
Automate nudges to SaaS users over Slack or email to quickly confirm which accounts are still needed. Changes are then routed to app owners for clean-up, and an auditor-ready report documents all actions taken. 
Shadow IT discovery & inventory

"Now I'm finishing the quarterly audits in one to three days by myself, instead of one to two weeks with a colleague."

Chris Tuley

IT Specialist, KarmaCheck

Start your free trial
Monitor & govern shadow IT

User Lifecycle Management

Simplify user access management in between audits.

Streamline SaaS access requests.
Enable your workforce to find and request access to approved SaaS apps in one click with our SaaS app directory. Access requests go directly to app owners, so you can avoid the usual backlog of IT service request tickets without losing oversight.
Clean up unused accounts.
Easily identify and remove inactive, abandoned, and duplicative SaaS accounts with a playbook designed to help you continuously contain SaaS sprawl, cost, and risk.
Ensure complete offboarding.
Identify all SaaS access and eliminate 90% of the manual IT effort required to fully deprovision access for employees who exit or change roles. Learn more

"The app directory simplifies our access management process in a way that's just amazing. It provides an easy overview for our employees, shows them what applications are approved, and makes it easy for them to request access. This makes it simpler and more centralized."

Marcus Södervall
Head of Security, Stravito

The Power of Security Nudges

Work with employees, not against them.

  • Deliver helpful security cues based on proven behavioral science.
  • Educate employees about the importance of data security.
  • Gather real-time intel on what tools employees are using and why.

83% compliance rate with security nudges

32% compliance rate with traditional firewalls

Read our report