Is Sutter Health safe? Review Sutter Health security risks.
Nudge Security provides security profiles for thousands of SaaS apps, including Sutter Health. This public profile has the basics you’ll need for a vendor risk assessment. For more details on Sutter Health, including breach history, start a free trial of Nudge Security.
Sutter Health is a family of doctors and hospitals, serving more than 100 communities in Northern California including Sacramento, San Francisco, Modesto, Stockton, Roseville, Castro Valley, Tracy, Burlingame and Palo Alto.
Who's Using Sutter Health in your org?
Nudge Security discovers every user for every SaaS app within minutes of starting a free trial. No credit card required.
Nudge Security discovers all SaaS accounts ever created by anyone in your org within minutes of starting a free trial. Get a full SaaS inventory today, along with insights and automation to improve your SaaS security posture.